Who love knowledge, now I start to tell ya about the world or geography as you, so stay calm and sit a sweet ok,!

Almost the entire region of Southern Europe is dominated by the Mediterranean Sea or the Mediterranean Sea. Among the countries that have a larger area, only Portugal that has no coastline in Central Luat. Portugal overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Mediterranean is the world's largest inland sea, 3880 miles in length and breadth of 2.503 million cubic km. Mediterranean is almost landlocked. This sea connected. This sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait Giblartar, a narrow canal which has a width of 13 to 27 km. Mediterranean Sea is a sea of pretty young. About 50 million years ago, this region is a dry land. The movement of tectonic plates in this area continues. As a result, there was volcanic activity and earthquakes that destroyed several countries in Southern Europe, like Italy, and several Balkan countries are located close to the Mediterranean, including Greece and Macedonia. Since ancient times, Mediterranean trade routes and transport is essential as well as the birthplace of many great civilizations in Europe. Unless the mountainous regions like the Alps (Appennines) Pyrenia in Italy and in Spain, Southern Europe region is influenced by the Mediterranean climate. In the winter, cool air. Colored summer warm air to heat and relatively low rainfall. Mediterranean climate also affects the pattern of life as well as people's livelihood and Southern Europe, among others, helped to support agro-industry and tourism sectors.
1. Venice, a city in Italy which has more than 200 canals, 400 bridges and many historic buildings.
Next I'll tell you one by one city in Southern Europe, so wait on the game well, bye bye:)!
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