Thursday, 01/26/2012 15:05 pm
Jakarta - Who does not know SNSD or Girls' Generation? As a girlband that has been known throughout the world, their fans were scattered everywhere. In Indonesia, they were joined under the banner SoneID. Let's know more distant with SNSD Indonesia's fanbase!
SNSD fans called Sone. Sone derived from the word 'So' (So Nyuh Shi Dae) and 'One' to 'one heart'. In Korean, Sone also means 'wish' alias expectation or demand.
In the world, SNSD's biggest fanbase is Soshified with a membership of more than 200 thousand people and 176 staff. They've existed since 2008 and participated in various projects such as donations to charity, gathering, and various projects for personnel SNSD.
While in Indonesia, SNSD fans previously scattered in several forums. SNSD Indonesia, kasku [s] one, indososhi, and SoneIDWS. They walk and have their respective activities before finally joining in SoneID.
SoneID own newly formed mid last year. However, due to a combination of 4 forum, members SoneID had reached 27 thousand people. Wow!
"If a total of 4 fanbase anyway around 5000's. But if totalized of 5 twitter followers (kasku [s] one, Indososhi, SNSDindo, SoneIDWS, and SoneID) it is around 27 thousand," said public relations SoneID Surya Adi Kurniawan time talked with detikHot some time ago.
What is routine SoneID? According to the Solar System to date lacking. SoneID activities ranged in gathering fanbase or project personnel SNSD's birthday. Closest, SoneID have a project for Taeyeon and Sooyoung's birthday. Details can be viewed on the web SoneID.
Because SNSD is a girlband with 9 women, do not be surprised if the fanbase SoneID filled by male fans. If in an event Kpop seen men clustered with pink accessories or reads SNSD / Girls' Generation, we can be sure they are from SoneID.
"Member is plentiful, but who regularly get together 20 to 30 people guy. Because most children who love SNSD junior down so they are less likely to exit to get together," said Surya.
Although fans in the country very much, SNSD had never visited Indonesia. When '2011 Girls 'Generation Tour' in Singapore last December 9, 2011, about 300 Sone thronged Singapore Indoor Stadium concert location, Singapore. They wore T-shirts that read 'So Nyuh Shi Dae Please Take Us Home "in the hope SNSD can visit Indonesia.
Then, what is he called to join the fanbase like this?
"He cried could meet new people that one brain, but if the cover does not always meet SNSD. Sometimes the diomongin other idol or even a Korean variety show," said Surya said, laughing.
That story about SoneID SNSD fans who turned out to not always talk about SNSD at each meeting. Wait for the story's fanbase in Indonesia next Kpop.
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