Thursday, March 22, 2012

Age of discovery Film

After the concept of photography and the lenses are found, the problems that arise are looking for media capable of recording light that objects. The first technique is known in the world of photography is the technique of the findings of the Frenchman Joseph Nicehore (1765-1833). technique is called Heliography technique, which means painting with light. finding technique is a revolutionary technique in the field of image recording. needed sunlight as the light source to perform the printing process. in the engineering process also takes a very long time ie, 8 hours of irradiation with f/17 lens. however, the resulting object is still less than perfect. process is not very practical, so its use is less popular at that time.

Refinement recording photographic object is growing with the discovery of silver plate by Jacques Mande Dagurre (1787-1851). sensitivity of the technique is better when compared with older techniques away, because it only takes 30 minutes to do the developing picture. By the French Academy of Science, the technique was named "Daguerro-Type". camera with these techniques can produce images good enough so that later produced commercially in 1939. in addition, the camera also produces images that are quite large 16.5 x 21 cm. film technology era has begun since the popularity of the camera.

Camera Daguerreo Type Commercially Sold

Techniques in the world of film-base photographic hurter begins with the findings and Driffield, the scientists who study the light and its density in 1876, and the discovery of materials with light-sensitive emulsion. The emulsion material is an early stage of development of black and white film.

In general, negative film photography is a photographic image formation through a negative film processing stage first. for that, they need more exposure to filter the light through the negative film, which was then a layer of paper on the positive film. through certain chemical processes, positive image is formed. in general, the process is often called the process of printing photos.

At the beginning of the discovery of photographic technology in the 1840s, the speed of formation of the image is still very low. it takes a very long time to take a photographic image. in other words, a photographic object to be quiet without moving in a somewhat longer time taken for the formation of the picture perfect image.

History of photography will not be released from the figure of George Eastman founded the company that photographic plates in Rochester New York. in 1880, Eastman produced the first half-tone images are displayed in the New York Graphic. George Eastman precisely what developing photographic film which was introduced in 1884. Eastman effort will require up to 4 years later became a milestone for the commencement of the history of photography, with the emergence of the first film cameras are well known, the Brownie camera. Stature was caused by the concept of camera-base film has to offer. The concept is the answer to the problem of chemical complexity of the film at that time. The camera users no longer need melalkukan film printing process itself, but only make the process of recording object into a first film, in which the image can be printed whenever the user wants it. process into new ground in film printing process. film printing process has been detached from the process of shooting, so the process can be done separately, either by users themselves or by a film print services provider.

Brownie Camera

If the existence of a digital camera retrospect, it seems the history of photography will change. it is because the photographer can now print their own process with ease, with tersediannya increasingly sophisticated printing devices.

If you look back the history of the discovery of photography, the discovery of new concepts about the evolution of the film the more developed world of photography. camera captured image is no longer just a showing of the picture, but has penetrated into the colors that match the original color. demands it generates a new technology in its process of reproduction of film cameras with the first color film produced by Kodak in 1936. The film was named "Kodakchrome".

The discovery of the film no longer think much about the photographer in troubleshooting printing process. findings that have changed the concept of photography into a newer concept, namely the storage and the first film and then print.

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