Tuesday, March 20, 2012

History of Photography

Prior to further understand the world of digital photography, a glance to know the history of photography that originated from the use of photographic plates made ​​of glass. Next, use gelatin, followed by the discovery of black and white film to color photos. the basis of the formation of a photographic object is the process of focusing light on a sensitive area. until now, the process is still the basis of photography in the world at large. sensitive area is then processed using chemicals to produce the formation of objects, both negative and positive images.

Terms of photography comes from two Greek words, the photos meaning light and graphein meaning to draw. while the word camera comes from the Latin meaning Camera Obscura dark room or a "dark room". camera obscura would have found hundreds of years before photography is known as today.

 principle of Camera Obscura a dark room

In the figure are shown the ancient principles of darkroom is the basis of modern photography today. light will go into a dark room through a small hole so that eventually will form the object from outside the dark room into an inverted object image in the darkroom wall. believed that the principle was discovered at the time of the ancient Greek Government by Aristotle in 384 BC - 322 BC, and later rewritten by Leonardo DaVinci (1452-1519).

In the 16th century, improvements made ​​in the darkroom system and pin-hole camera hole. system that produces images that are too dark to be added optical lens to improve image brightness. principle of the camera with the addition of optical lenses have been made ​​in England in 1770 with box size 6cm x 6 cm. That's the type of camera to which the SLR camera system by placing a few mirrors to produce a better picture. Additional multiple mirrors in the camera produces images that are not reversed.

First SLR camera

Some of the mechanical system was added along with improving the position of the lens so the image can be brighter and more focused. camera obscura system is growing with several lenses placed at a certain position so that the brightness of the image can be formed perfectly.

initial discovery SLR

Source :  TEKNIK MODERN FOTOGRAFI DIGITAL book, Edi S Mulyanto, publisher ANDI Yogyakarta. Books from Indonesia, Indonesian language.

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