Tuesday, February 7, 2012

'Big Bang Alive Tour 2012' Visit 16 Countries

Tuesday, 02/07/2012 11:03 pm
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Jakarta - After just a single concert in Korea and Japan, Big Bang will eventually tour the world. In this tour, they will visit 25 cities in 16 countries.

Big Bang will travel the world in the title of 'Big Bang Alive Tour 2012'. All five will start the concert at Olympic Park Gymnastic Stadium in Seoul on 2 to March 4.

After Seoul, the singer of the group hits 'Lie' it will then go to countries in Asia, North America, South America, and Europe. But not yet certain which countries will be visited.

Reported by Soompi, Tuesday (02/07/2012), YG Entertainment promises the best concert of the Big Bang. No wonder, because it was the first Big Bang will meet international fans in a single concert.

"Big Bang will try to look my best in concert with the best of the best teams because it was the first Big Bang met with fans around the world," said a spokeswoman for YG Entertainment.

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